Business Solutions

                   BUSINESS SOLUTIONS

Businesses today look for strategic partners who can help them not only in the optimisation of their IT infrastructure but can also support and advice them on how to meet their business objectives in the most cost-effective and efficient manner. MMY Associates, with our experience across multiple implementations in varied geographies and supported by a crew of business and technical experts, is the right strategic partner for your business.
MMY Associates works with clients closely to create the right IT solutions like websites, portals, e-commerce systems, mobile applications to name a few to support the core business objectives like cost reduction, sales increase, customer acquisition, process optimisation, customer relations, quality improvement just to name a few.

Project Management

Project management solutions help to initiate, plan, execute, govern and close the work of a team to achieve specific goals and meeting the success criteria defined at the start of the project with the optimal use of resources and time under proper quality and risk management.
MMY Associates believes strongly in efficient project management and offers business solutions that support the complete life cycle of the project covering scheduling, resource allocation by tasks, reporting and many more functionalities.

Line of Business Solutions

With a diverse and widespread employee, stakeholder and customer base, organisations rely on business applications to run smoothly and efficiently as well as to extract and analyse relevant data to be able to take strategic business decisions. A relevant business application aligned with the business goals and implemented seamlessly can add tremendous value to the organisation helping them save time, effort and money while ensuring smooth operations.
MMY Associates, with its experience in managing multiple businesses and vendors, has the ability to work closely with our customers to identify and implement the most relevant business solution for the customer.

Enterprise Content Management

For businesses to work efficiently, content is king. And content in most organisation exist in multiple formats like word documents, spreadsheets, presentations, pdfs, scanned documents etc. Increasingly organisations need a way to not only consolidate and store these varied forms of content but also to search and analyse the repository and access them from any location on any device and any network.
MMY Associates works with leading vendors and has the technical expertise and implementation experience to help organisations with robust Enterprise Content Management solutions that eliminate the dependence on paper documents and help to organise the unstructured information by business needs. MMY Associates has implemented ECM solutions in businesses across departments from HR to Sales, from contract management to procurement systems, from supply chains to administration and many more.
An effective ECM solution helps not just in managing the content but also to gain clear insights from analysis to improve customer engagement.

Business Intelligence (BI) Systems

Information and data forms the core components of any business. Over the years of operations, companies typically collect a huge amount of data on different parameters though this cache of data is in a completely unstructured and scattered format which cannot be analysed for business purposes. Organisations have realised that there is a goldmine of information in the data that they have accumulated but the challenge is getting it in a structured format that can be analysed and insights derived.
Business Intelligence (BI) vendors help to solve this challenge by providing tools and software to analyse the raw data and provide capabilities like data mining, online analytical processing, querying and reporting. Business Intelligence helps to extract insights from a large volume of raw information to make management decisions based not only on intuition, but on the facts.